References from Mommies!

★ I am so grateful for the lactation help that Yuko provided me in the first few days postpartum.  After having received conflicting breastfeeding advice from the hospital nurses, I felt frustrated and confused about nursing my newborn once at home.  We were having latching issues and struggling with positions that worked for both of us. Yuko was able to show me a different position ideal for newborns and it worked immediately!  I would not have known to do it, even after doing my own breastfeeding research.  She also gave me several helpful tips and positively encouraged me along.  Yuko paved the way and empowered me to breastfeed my daughter for a wonderful 2 years! (Jennifer, Honolulu)

★ 子育てで心も体にも余裕が無くなった私を救ってくれたママヨガ。クラスはアットホームだし、最近は一歳になる娘もポーズを真似するようになり、親子で楽しんでいます。インストラクターはママとしての先輩でもあり、日本では助産師の経験がある上、ハワイでは母乳相談の資格まであるので、困ったときはいつも相談にのってもらっています。ハワイでいろいろと不安な妊婦生活や子育ても、彼女のおかげで楽しくなりました。(Yuko, Honolulu)

★ I am so glad I took Yuko's prenatal yoga class. I was very weak during my pregnancy so my doctor recommended doing prenatal yoga. It taught me ways to cope with labor pains, how to relax and the importance of breathing. I also felt it helped loosen up my body to prepare for childbirth.
   Yuko is an amazing instructor. I love how she helped everyone with their poses, made sure we were comfortable, and was very helpful if we had any questions. She was also very supportive in my choice to have a natural labor. I looked forward to her class every Sunday! It also felt good to have other pregnant women I could talk to and share stories with. 
   After birth I had a lot of questions around breastfeeding. I didn't realize how many questions and concerns id have until after I came home from the hospital. It felt good being able to turn to Yuko during these times.
   Thank you Yuko, for all your help! (Tiare, Honolulu)

★ When looking back on my pregnancy and birthing experience of my now two year old boy I am extremely grateful for having Yuko as my yoga teacher and Breastfeeding consultant.  She has such a calm and comforting personality that was easy to adjust to being around her in such a personal time of my life.  She paid great attention to my body as I progressed in my pregnancy and always made sure I felt as good as possible.  I had every problem known with breastfeeding-infections, thrush and even my sons allergies.  Yuko quickly responded to all of my texts and calls to help me get through.  I can't wait to have take her classes on my next pregnancy! (Allison, Honolulu)

★ 私は、2012年2月に長男を出産しました。初めてなので、心も体も不安で誰かにアドバイスをもらいたい気持ちでした。そんな時、裕子さんは的確なアドバイスをくれて、本当に精神的に助かりました。病院はそこまで、こうした方がいいとか、こんな時はこうするとか言ってくれなかったので、気になった時は、裕子さんにすぐ電話していました。以前、助産師をしていたという事で、経験も豊富なので、私のホームドクターのようでした。

と幅広く活動している裕子さんに、私はとても感謝しています。何か質問があって、でも、こちらの病院では今一答えが???って方は、裕子さんに相談してみてください。ヨガのクラスもとてもいいですよ!(Keiko, Honolulu)

★   息子が生後10ヶ月になった時、突然乳腺炎になりました。ママヨガのクラスとっている友達に紹介してもらい、ユウコさんのマッサージのことを知りました。
まさかハワイでユウコさんのような、日本で助産師を経験された方がこのようなマッサージをしているなんて想像もしていませんでしたが、乳腺炎で苦しんだ私を本当に救っていただきました!!とても感謝しています! (Kaori, Honolulu)